Op donderdag 19 januari wordt de 115e ETALAGE geopend in station Breda met werk van Noortje...

"If you don't breathe won't sting you" is an artwork by the Spanisch artist Unai Requejo for the project Etalage in the railway-station of Breda. The central element in this work is an image of brandnetels. They grow on the Tourmalet in the french Pyrenees at around 2000 meters of altitude. But is this relevant, as they are family members of those growing here in between the railways?
Unai asks himself some questions related to aesthetics. If this image showing the nature is nice for instance. But what are you looking at? You already know by experience that to touch these plants is not very nice. On the other hand they are used to make some medicine after cooking. Here you will only watch their representation, but touching them, they will sting you for quite long time. Is this risk something possible to feel just with seeing?
The picture of the brandnetels will be printed on fabric for being more material, more touchable. Unai is searching for the right symbol. Maybe it will be a flag. Flags join groups and separate them, producing strong opposed feelings. More or less like these plants do. But now that nature becomes artificial, maybe here it is shown more like a shower curtain.
The visitor will be invited tot experience this work and make his or her own image.