Short impression of the presentation of the Scientific Bureau of BUTFF at WORM Institute in Rotterdam.
Dr. Anders Adriaan & Dr. Anders Paul presented this lecture on 'the zombie way of life', based on their ground breaking studies on Zombies. This presentation has been brought to you by the Scientific Bureau of BUTFF.
DebbieRochonhas already becomequite accustomed totheboundlesschaoticatmosphere thatBUTFF instigates every year.She isinspiredby it and thereforedecidedto organise
This year, BUTFF will recieve a very special guest. Friday, the 6th of September, Jan Bucquoy will be attending BUTFF 2013! The phenomenon Jan Bucquoy is hard to describe, but we'll try. Storms the Belgian Parliament, draws TinTin sexcomics and is an artist with frying oil....just to name few things..Oh and let's not forget his museum of undies of course.