Stephen C. Apostolof
Orgy of the Dead, 92 min, USA, English spoken, no subs, dir Stephen C. Apostolof
Orgy of the Dead

John and his girlfriend Shirley are looking for a cemetery to insprire him with the writing of his next horror story.
This beautiful documentary is a delight for any cult movie lover and taking you back to the early 60s. The prudish fifties where still roaring in Hollywood, and yet the Bulgarian immigrant Apostolof ventured into a new morality shifting genre : sexploitation.
Bare breasts in American movies were punishable, a federal crime, people went into shock when buts where shaking on the big screen.
Probably exactly what director Apostolof had in mind with "Orgy of the Dead" when he teamed up with the era's other other scandal film-maker : Ed Wood.
"Orgy" had about 20 pages of script, a cemetery with Styrofoam tombstones and especially "no ideas" at all, the involved remember the hilarious creation of this monstrosity, as movie goers innocence went lost!
You'll find Orgy of the Dead in the schedule
Dad made Dirty Movies, 58 min, Germany /Hungarian, Engels spoken, no subs, dir Jordan Todorov